Should I use my credit card at an online casino?
The answer is ambiguous. Using a credit card for online gambling is quite possible, but we must say it’s not 100% guaranteed. It solely depends if your credit card issuer has some limitations on online gambling or not, including it into an acceptable charge or blocking it for gambling.
It quite becomes a roll of the dice when it comes to online gambling, and you’re certainly going to be surprised if you use credit cards for every purchase. The usual purchasing rules don’t go for online gambling, sadly. If your credit card is a MasterCard or Visa, you must give it a try because approximately half of them are accepted, and half are not.
However, if we talk about the remaining half, the large and renowned banks won’t allow gambling transactions. It’s just because they haven’t recognized online gambling as an acceptable card purchase. Moreover, multiple factors determine whether you can use your credit card for online betting or not. Some of them include the online casino, the state you’re living in, the bank your credit card belongs to, and the payment network.